Empower Your Cents,
Build Your Millions



Do you wish you could be financially free?



Empower Your Cents,
Build Your Millions

Do you wish you could be financially free? 

Get your FREE Money Profile!


Break down limiting beliefs.
Bolster your best self.
Boost your financial power.
Build lasting wealth.


Know More About Me


Break Down Limiting Beliefs.

Bolster your Best Self.

Boost Your Financial Power.

Build Lasting Wealth.


your frustration ends here!




Break Down Limiting Beliefs.

Bolster your Best Self.

Boost Your Financial Power.

Build Lasting Wealth.


Your frustration ends here! 

How we help

 Claim Financial Freedom

Demystify your finances for a future of clarity and prosperity

Elevate your Career in Corporate or as an Entrepreneur

Turn ambition into achievement and forge your path

Feed Your Mindset

Cultivate a resilient mindset that transforms obstacles into stepping stones



 I’m Francesca.

Financial educator, mindset strategist, podcaster, mum of 3, and the driving force behind Cent of a Woman.

With 14 years in finance and entrepreneurship, I empower women and those who identify as women to master their finances, elevate their careers, and  embrace entrepreneurship.

My specialty?
Taking seemingly complex financial topics and breaking them down in an easy, down-to-earth manner, free from fear or judgment.

Money isn't just about fancy trips or buying cool stuff. It's really about having choices.

It's the power to change things in your life. Like getting out of a bad relationship, leaving a job that makes you unhappy, or moving out of a place you don't like.

Sometimes, you just need a way out – and that's where being smart with your money can really help.

Let's take control of your financial future! 💪

Jump into My Story



 I’m Francesca.


Financial educator, mindset strategist, podcaster, mum of 3, and the driving force behind Cent of a Woman.

With 14 years in finance and entrepreneurship, I empower women and those who identify as women to master their finances, elevate their careers, and  embrace entrepreneurship.

My specialty?
Taking seemingly complex financial topics and breaking them down in an easy, down-to-earth manner, free from fear or judgment.

Money isn't just about fancy trips or buying cool stuff. It's really about having choices.

It's the power to change things in your life. Like getting out of a bad relationship, leaving a job that makes you unhappy, or moving out of a place you don't like.

Sometimes, you just need a way out – and that's where being smart with your money can really help.

Let's take control of your financial future! 💪

Jump into My Story


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Did you know?



❌ Investing is not too complicated. And...I hear you, you're eager to start but the path seems unclear

❌ Investing doesn’t take a lot of time

❌ You don’t need to be rich to get started or wait until you have “more money”

❌ You don’t need to know everything about investing to be a smart and successful investor

❌ Pursuing your dream career isn't just for the 'privileged' few

❌ You don’t have to suppress your feminine qualities to be taken seriously in the workplace

❌ Setbacks and failures don’t define your worth or capabilities

❌ The fear of making a costly mistake shouldn't hold you back

✅ Anyone can do great – if you learn the basics

✅ It’s never too late to start

✅ You have the power to master investing, even in the diverse landscape of Europe

✅ You hold the keys to leveraging passive investing for a future of comfort and security

✅ Resilience and mindset matter just as much, if not more, than skillset

✅ Boundaries between work and personal life are not just necessary—they're crucial for your holistic success

✅ Believing in yourself, even when the world seems against you, can transform your reality

✅ You deserve to own your dream house, bulk up a big emergency fund, and invest in your family’s future

 Every day is an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery

Did you know?


❌ Investing is not too complicated. And...I hear you, you're eager to start but the path seems unclear

❌ Investing doesn’t take a lot of time

❌ You don’t need to be rich to get started or wait until you have “more money”

❌ You don’t need to know everything about investing to be a smart and successful investor

❌ Pursuing your dream career isn't just for the 'privileged' few

❌ You don’t have to suppress your feminine qualities to be taken seriously in the workplace

❌ Setbacks and failures don’t define your worth or capabilities

❌ The fear of making a costly mistake shouldn't hold you back

✅ Anyone can do great – if you learn the basics

✅ It’s never too late to start

✅ You have the power to master investing, even in the diverse landscape of Europe

✅ You hold the keys to leveraging passive investing for a future of comfort and security

✅ Resilience and mindset matter just as much, if not more, than skillset

✅ Boundaries between work and personal life are not just necessary—they're crucial for your holistic success

✅ Believing in yourself, even when the world seems against you, can transform your reality

✅ You deserve to own your dream house, bulk up a big emergency fund, and invest in your family’s future

 Every day is an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery

Free Resources


Join the Free Personal Finance 5-Day Challenge Now!


Centsational Chats Podcast for your Financial Freedom and Personal Power


Sign up for my Email List to get more Free Resources – workshops, audios, challenges


Join My Online Courses


Feel like investing is a rich person's game?

What if you could start building wealth today, regardless of your current finances?


Do you believe it's too late to start building your wealth?

What would it mean for you to start a transformative financial journey today?


Dream of owning your home, having a robust emergency fund, and securing your family's future?

What's stopping you from taking the first step?


Invest in Yourself